Dec 25, 2008

Somebody sent me this today

What do I want?

* A man who will sing and dance around the house with me, even though he can't really dance, or sing (Agree, although a man who can dance would be awesome)

* A man who will snuggle up with me on the sofa and watch a movie (Snuggle? Sure, why the hell not? I'll just use the guy as one big teddy bear. . .wait. . . I already have one of those. . .)

* A man who isn't afraid to be himself (Agree)

* A man I can fight with (Agree, although I would use the work "argue" instead of "fight")

* A man I can make up with after the fighting is done (Totally agree)

* A man who will live life to the fullest, finding something joyful in each and every day (Hell, I'll be lucky if I get to accomplish that before I die. How can I ask that from a guy if I can't even do it myself?)

* A man that has really good hygiene (Agree 100%)

* A man that smells good (See above)

* A man that will eat the organic, health food that I prepare, and not begrudge me when I sneak the venti white mocha from Starbucks that's so NOT on my diet lifestyle (I don't eat organic stuff so not applicable. . . NEXT!)

* A man that is nowhere near perfect, but just perfect enough for me (Totally agree)

* A man that will defend me if needed (Especially from his mother!)

* A man that doesn't need me to tell him what to get me for birthdays, Christmas, etc... because he knows me well enough to pick something out on his own- no need to go the expensive route, just the thoughtful one.

O.K., timeout. If there is one thing I know, one thing, is that there may be only a 5% of the male population that is actually capable of doing what the statement described above. I don't know this from personal experience (because I've never dated a guy long enough to find out) but I would need one hundred extra pairs of hands to count all the times I've seen it happen. You can be married to a guy for yeeeaaaars. He still won't get it. You can't rely on hints, you just have to be direct and to the point. Hey, maybe you got the guy who actually understands your pouts, eye rolls, mood swings and faces. . . but for the rest of us, don't expect your guy to know what to get you for your birthday or Christmas or how to read your mind. Just. . . don't O.K.?

* A man that smells really good - oh, wait, I said that already.....mmm, but it is an important one on the list (You said it sister).

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