Jan 31, 2009


I love my parents a lot, and I say this often because it's true. But there are times when I think "I wish they are not alive when that happens." There are mistakes I know I'll make, and when I make them, I truly wish my parents are not there to see them. I can tell my sister and brothers to mind their own business, but you can't say that to your parents. So here's to keeping all mistakes secret.

On a side note, I told somebody today I was dieting and they said "why? do you wanna disappear?"

I hate that I can't see what they see and I hate that I a couple of weeks ago I would have seen it. I hate that mommy dearest is making me look in the mirror and not like what I used to like, and I hate that I let it bother me so much. . .O.K. I have a bill to pay, a bill I kind of can't afford so any body image issues have taken the bottom place is terms of priorities.

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